Diploma of Leadership and Management BSB50420 RPL workshop
- Lead and manage effective workplace relationships (BSBLDR523)
- Manage personal and professional development (BSBPEF501)
- Lead difficult conversations (BSBCMM412)
- Manage meetings (BSBTWK503)
- Manage people performance (BSBLDR522)
- Develop critical thinking in others (BSBCRT511)
- Communicate with influence (BSBCMM511)
- Facilitate continuous improvement (BSBSTR502)
- Manage business operational plans (BSBOPS502)
- Manage team effectiveness (BSBTWK502)
- Facilitate workplace debriefing and support processes (CHCMGT005)
- Develop and use emotional intelligence (BSBPEF502)
This nationally recognised qualification is for those who are managers/supervisors in community sector organisations.Our RPL workshop and materials are designed for the community sector and delivered by experienced community sector trainers. We are also here to support you through this great journey.
There are twelve (12) units of competency needed to complete your Diploma of Leadership and Management. In the RPL Get Recognised workshop you will undertake 10 units, including the 6 core units that must be done. You will then select 2 units to undertaken as electives.
The Get Recognised workshop is a 3–day workshop + selection of 2 elective units + 2 take-home assessments. There will be an approximately a month’s gap between day 2 and day 3 of the workshop. The elective units are undertaken at your own pace.
You have a maximum of 12 months to complete the RPL Pathway.
RPL is recommended if you have a minimum 2 years' experience in a management/team leader/coordinator role and that you have the skills in at least 10 units of the Diploma. Complete the self-assessment to see if you are suitable for the RPL workshop.