Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention CHC50321 RPL program
- Respond to client needs (CHCCCS016)
- Assess co-existing needs (CHCCCS004)
- Undertake and implement planning with at-risk children and young people and their families (CHCPRT036)
- Build professional practice and sectoral expertise (CHCPRT030)
- Facilitate and review case management (CHCCSM013)
- Work with people with mental health issues (CHCMHS001)
- Support people to improve relationships (CHCFAM003)
- Facilitate and monitor contact (CHCFAM005)
- Reflect on and improve own professional practice (CHCPRP003)
- Maintain work health and safety (HLTWHS003)
- Implement trauma informed care (CHCMHS013)
- Work with children and young people with complex trauma and attachment issues and needs (CHCPRT034)
- Work effectively in trauma informed care (CHCMHS007)
- Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety (CHCDIV002)
- Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
- Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence (CHCDFV001)
- Work effectively in child protection to support children, young people and families (CHCPRT028)
- Analyse information for service planning and delivery (CHCDEV006)
<p>The Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention is a nationally recognised qualification. This <strong>Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Pathway</strong> is designed for experienced
...365 maximum days to complete
Working with Children and Young People Affected by Family and Domestic Violence
<p>This is an advanced level workshop that assumes that participants have a foundational knowledge of the dynamics of Family and Domestic Violence, neurobiology of traumatic stress, and the
...If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.
Advanced Conducting Investigative Interviews with Children When Allegations Have Been Made Against Staff About Reportable Conduct or Professional Misconduct
<p><strong>Please note it is a prerequisite to attend the 1 day Introduction course before enrolling in this 2 day advanced training course - see link below.</strong></p>
<p>This advanced course
...If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.
Child Mental Health Toolkit: Assessment, Planning and Case Management for Children and Young People with Mental Health Issues
<p>Case workers can often feel at a loss as to how to best address the complicated needs of children (ages 0 -18) with mental health issues – both diagnosed and undiagnosed - including anxiety,
...If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.