Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention CHC50321 RPL program
- Respond to client needs (CHCCCS016)
- Assess co-existing needs (CHCCCS004)
- Undertake and implement planning with at-risk children and young people and their families (CHCPRT036)
- Build professional practice and sectoral expertise (CHCPRT030)
- Facilitate and review case management (CHCCSM013)
- Work with people with mental health issues (CHCMHS001)
- Support people to improve relationships (CHCFAM003)
- Facilitate and monitor contact (CHCFAM005)
- Reflect on and improve own professional practice (CHCPRP003)
- Maintain work health and safety (HLTWHS003)
- Implement trauma informed care (CHCMHS013)
- Work with children and young people with complex trauma and attachment issues and needs (CHCPRT034)
- Work effectively in trauma informed care (CHCMHS007)
- Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety (CHCDIV002)
- Work with diverse people (CHCDIV001)
- Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence (CHCDFV001)
- Work effectively in child protection to support children, young people and families (CHCPRT028)
- Analyse information for service planning and delivery (CHCDEV006)
This is a <strong>Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Pathway</strong> for CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention. Workers who undertake this qualification generally work as
...365 maximum days to complete
This course is for existing workers in the Human Services sector who work as caseworkers or other roles in organisations who provide out of home care and family support. CCWT is offering this qualification for existing workers via a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Pathway. RPL is an assessment approach that recognises your current and prior knowledge/skills and measures it against what is needed to meet the learning outcomes and standards of the qualification.
This nationally recognised qualification requires you to achieve eighteen (18) units of competency, eleven (11) core units, and seven (7) elective units plus evidence of 100 hours work placement in a case management setting. To be successful in RPL for this Diploma you will need to show evidence of skills and knowledge in the 18 units of competency. CCWT will undertake an assessment of your eligibility however, as a guide we recommend that you have a minimum of 6 months experience in a role in out-of-home care or setting related to child protection and family support work. Download the Course Information Brochure for further information or email the CCWT team at training@ccwt.edu.au .