Results for
Youth Work

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Everybody Hurts Sometimes – Anger Management Tools and Strategies for Young People

Develop the skills to recognise, understand and respond to anger in adolescents. This workshop looks at helping teenagers to manage anger, explores what constitutes anger, how it develops, and examines a range of practical strategies and techniques that can be used to help young people gain control of their anger. When a person believes he or she has been treated unfairly or is deliberately provoked, anger usually results. In terms of survival, anger can be looked at as choosing... [More]
$370 Limited GST free
Everybody Hurts Sometimes – Anger Management Tools and Strategies for Young People

<p>Develop the skills to recognise, understand and respond to anger in adolescents. This workshop looks at helping teenagers to manage anger, explores what constitutes anger, how it develops, and


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Risky Business: Self harm and suicide risk assessment

“Real world” strategies to manage and support those who may be self harming and/or suicidal. Learn about mental health issues and responding to high-risk behaviours, duty of care, professionalism, ethics and confidentiality and the importance of worker self care. [More]

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Adolescent Risk Taking

We know things about young people that we didn’t know even a little while ago. Peer group pressure is more internal than external, thrill-seeking is still thrill-seeking but more driven than previously thought and more important for young people than for children or adults. Young people really can think logically and systematically, although unfortunately not always at those moments when it is most needed. Recently, two things have contributed to what we know about adolescents.... [More]

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Engaging and Supporting Young People

The workshop is for anyone who finds themselves in a youth centre, class room, rehab centre, youth refuge, school or just sitting in a car driving somewhere with a young person (because that’s part of your job too). Working with young people means catching their attention, firing their imaginations, doing ‘something’ so they will connect with what is happening and how it is happening. And sometimes the young person seems angry, apathetic, bored or grumpy. So what we do must be... [More]

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