Everybody Hurts Sometimes – Anger Management Tools and Strategies for Young People

$370 Limited GST free
Everybody Hurts Sometimes – Anger Management Tools and Strategies for Young People

<p>Develop the skills to recognise, understand and respond to anger in adolescents. This workshop looks at helping teenagers to manage anger, explores what constitutes anger, how it develops, and


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Develop the skills to recognise, understand and respond to anger in adolescents. This workshop looks at helping teenagers to manage anger, explores what constitutes anger, how it develops, and examines a range of practical strategies and techniques that can be used to help young people gain control of their anger. When a person believes he or she has been treated unfairly or is deliberately provoked, anger usually results. In terms of survival, anger can be looked at as choosing ‘fight’ as opposed to ‘flight’. Everybody hurts sometimes...

You will learn about:

  • Understanding anger – What is anger and why do some people seem to develop ‘Anger problems’?
  • Adolescent brain development – emotional regulation, anger and risk-taking
  • Mental health issues – Anger and anxiety, depression, deliberate self-injury and psychosis
  • Disabilities and their role in anger – ADHD, conduct disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Personality disorders
  • Anger and the internet – social media, cyber-bullying, violent video gaming, gambling, etc.
  • Strategies and techniques for managing anger and violence
  • Approaches to manage anger – counselling, cognitive behaviour therapy, narrative therapy, mindfulness training, social skills training, problem solving skills training
  • Worker safety and self care – professionalism, boundaries and confidentiality, supervision and debriefing
  • Understanding and Responding to Domestic and Family Violence

Who should attend?

Anyone working with angry adolescents including youth workers, counsellors and teachers