Complex Case Management - AOD Setting

The term case management does not align well with current, sector best practice or language. People are not ‘cases’ and the aim of working with clients is no longer to ‘manage them’.

Case management practice has evolved considerably in recent years as we have learned about the importance of working in ways that are; strengths-based, client-centred and led and informed by an awareness of trauma.

This interactive workshop explores and extends the skills, knowledge, attitudes and strategies needed to provide high quality case management support to clients. Participant’s will have opportunities to share and increase knowledge and to practice and refine skills and strategies to enhance work practice with people who are experiencing complex issues and challenges.

This course can be focussed on working with families or individuals, children, young people and/or adults to best suit the needs of the client’s groups that you provide services and supports to.

Participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about case management models, processes, roles and tools
  • Consider the impacts on clients experiencing multiple and complex challenges and issues
  • Identify and use effective methods of engaging and working with clients, including resistant clients
  • Learn how to use specific strategies and approaches to support clients to achieve positive change
  • Identify and implement best practice approaches
  • Reflect on own practice and self-care in complex work
  • Increase understanding about complex trauma and its relationship to AOD misuse/dependence, mental distress, domestic and family violence and homelessness

Who should attend?

The workshops are open to all professionals working in the AOD setting. Participants should be actively engaged in delivering AOD care and support including:

  • Rural/regional Health
  • Aboriginal Health
  • Lived and living experience (peer) workers
  • Mental Health
  • Nurse and Nurse Practitioners
  • Allied Health
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs worker

An Alcohol and Other Drugs workforce development initiative funded by the NSW Government and delivered in partnership with Centre for Community Welfare Training.

To express interest in this training please complete the form at the link below: