Martin Unger
Martin Unger is a Director of MTU Training Concepts, Pty. Ltd, owner of PART Training. He has over 35 years extensive work and training experience in aggression management, risk assessment and security operations. He trains professionals across the human services sector in health, rehabilitation, education, mental health, adult and juvenile corrections, child and youth services, disability, aged care, social housing, employment services and the security industry.
Martin provides training Australia wide including rural and remote locations and indigenous communities. He provides specialist advice to courts, government agencies, and consultation on individual behaviour management strategies. He has lectured at the College of Applied Psychology, TAFE, University of Western Sydney, and Institute of Psychiatry, and, presented at a range of national conferences.
Martin’s work history includes management and front line roles in NSW Department of Community Services, NSW Department of Juvenile Justice and various security industry agencies. Martin was awarded a 12-month scholarship to Europe and USA to study young offender programs, justice processes, community living skills programs, management of violent and aggressive behaviour and security procedures. He established NSW’s first community-based detention program for young offenders with the aim of facilitating crime prevention and reintegration into the community.
His philosophy in training is to provide agencies and their staff with a systematic and systemic approach to predicting, assessing & responding to challenging and aggressive client behaviour.