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Complex Trauma and Mental Health

The Adverse Childhood Experience study (ACE study) outlines the detrimental legacy left in the wake of complex childhood trauma. Yet, these early negative experiences do not need to define or determine one’s life and experience of Self. Understanding the impacts of complex trauma and the relationship with adult mental health symptoms is a key step in transforming this legacy. Understanding the impact of complex trauma on the brain (neurological structures and functions), psychology... [More]

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Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Part A

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is an effective treatment for borderline personality disorder, suicide, para-suicide and self-harm. The treatment results in decreased suicidal and other self harm behaviour, improvement in global functioning, better retention in therapy, as well as a reduction in hospital admissions and length of hospital stay. DBT has been effectively adapted for use with adolescents, alcohol and other drug disorders and some eating disorders. Introduction to... [More]

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Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Part B

Actioning the DBT principles. The second part of Introduction to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy; Part B adds to the core principles taught in Part A. Part B provides instruction and practice in the tools utilised within DBT including: diary card, chain analysis and contingency management. Participants will learn the skills required for the different modes of skills training, coaching, therapist consultation and case management. In addition Part B will provide an overview of the... [More]

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Effective Casework and Case Management

Case management is the primary way for providing support to individuals and families across the community services sector. Even workers who do not technically have a case management role benefit from a case management approach to their work and from using case management skills and strategies. Learn the fundamentals of contemporary, strengths-based case management, develop skills including engaging, assessing, planning, facilitating appropriate referrals and working in partnership... [More]

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an evidenced-based form of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Unlike other models of psychotherapy, ACT does not target symptom reduction, but aims to maximise a person’s potential to create a meaningful and full life by using processes such as mindfulness, acceptance and value-driven action. At this workshop you will learn: The six core principles of ACT and how to use them clinically Case conceptualisation skills from an ACT perspective Tools... [More]

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Managing Challenging Behaviours

Increase your skills and confidence in managing difficult client behaviours. The underlying issues that often contribute to people behaving in ways that others find difficult will be identified, discussed and explored. Useful strategies for managing difficult behaviours in a collaborative and constructive way will also be covered. Participants will also have the opportunity to identify their own personal triggers, discuss behaviours that they find particularly challenging and... [More]

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Child Mental Health Toolkit: Assessment, Planning and Case Management for Children and Young People with Mental Health Issues

Case workers can often feel at a loss as to how to best address the complicated needs of children (ages 0 -18) with mental health issues – both diagnosed and undiagnosed - including anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, attachment disorders, autism, ADHD and conduct disorder. These children frequently have challenging behaviours, have often experienced complex trauma, can have developmental delays and may have parents with their own mental health difficulties.... [More]

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Working with Children and Young People Affected by Family and Domestic Violence

This is an advanced level workshop that assumes that participants have a foundational knowledge of the dynamics of Family and Domestic Violence, neurobiology of traumatic stress, and the implications of Family and Domestic Violence on the development of attachment security. Supporting children, young people and their families who have experienced family and domestic violence is complex and requires a sound understanding of traumatic stress, neurobiology and the impacts of living in... [More]

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Guardianship Application Documentation

A Guardianship application is more than just doing an assessment of the potential guardian. It is a complex process requiring preparation of documents for court and co-ordination between funded service providers and DCJ personnel. This course will cover all of the key tasks required for a Guardianship application. The course is in two parts: Part 1: Distance learning You will be provided with pre-course information and be expected to satisfactorily complete a knowledge quiz about... [More]

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Emotionally Intelligent Frontline Work

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and adjust emotions to adapt to environments. Developing your emotional intelligence is one of the most effective ways to improve work relationships and manage the stress and sense of overload that can be part of working in the community services... [More]

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