Results for
Clients and the Community

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Understanding and Responding to Domestic Violence

Whether you are working in a service focused on DV or not, DV is so prevalent anyone working in the social welfare, children’s, health and education sectors need to be able to identify DV, understand the dynamics, the potential impacts, the safety, legal and support systems and be able utilise good practice and safe responses to individuals and families. Learning Outcomes: Identify DV, and screening tool Understand the dynamics Understand potential impacts Identify the safety,... [More]

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Using Narrative Therapy to Respond to Domestic and Family Violence

Family violence occurs across all cultural groups and classes. This workshop will support workers to build a best practice framework when responding to the impact of violence. It draws on the theory and practices of Narrative Therapy to support clients to tell their stories in strengthening rather than retraumatising ways. It also offers workers ideas and practices to sustain themselves when hearing stories of abuse and injustice, by staying connected to their hopes and values, and... [More]

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Accidental Counsellor: 2 Day CCWT Workshop

Workers who are not employed as counsellors often find themselves placed in an impromptu counselling role as a result of issues or requests for help that arise from contact with clients in their workplace setting. They feel they can’t refuse to help, but how do they respond? Without the clarity and assurance that comes from professional support, resources, training and experience, or even a clear mandate to ‘do counselling’, the accidental counsellor is confronted with a range of... [More]

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Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention

This course will equip you with the skills to respond constructively to a client’s cry for help when they are contemplating suicide and how to support people affected by the loss of suicide. It is an interactive workshop offering theoretical and practical information on suicide prevention and post-vention. It will answer the questions: “What do I do if someone is suicidal?” and "How do you help someone who is self-harming?''. An internationally renowned suicide intervention model... [More]

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Applying a Trauma Informed Approach when Supporting Adults who have Experienced Domestic Violence

Providing services to survivors of domestic violence often involves advocating for legal, financial and physical safety. A trauma informed approach requires that workers also attend to advocating for and supporting emotional and psychological safety. In addition, this requires that individual workers and organisations strive for building the resources and capabilities of domestic violence survivors so that they may navigate their own safety and the systems that will support them to... [More]

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Connecting Well During Challenging Phone and Online Communication

Much has changed over the last years in managing online and telephone communication with everchanging technology and the challenges of COVID 19. Face to face communication is often not an expected option and we are challenged to mange difficult conversations online and on the phone. This course will help you identify the key communication challenges in your work and how to address these. The pros and cons of different communication options will be explored with focusing on the... [More]

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Complex Case Management - AOD Setting

The term case management does not align well with current, sector best practice or language. People are not ‘cases’ and the aim of working with clients is no longer to ‘manage them’. Case management practice has evolved considerably in recent years as we have learned about the importance of working in ways that are; strengths-based, client-centred and led and informed by an awareness of trauma. This interactive workshop explores and extends the skills, knowledge, attitudes and... [More]