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Loss and Grief Work: Practice Essentials

Working with loss, grief and change is an essential part of client work when supporting clients through challenging times. Grief support can be provided by most people who have had some basic loss and grief support training. This two-day training course will provide you with these essential skills and help you understand the importance of doing active grief work. You will be able to differentiate between the range of general loss experiences humans have to face in their lifetime to... [More]
$680 Limited GST free
Loss and Grief Work: Practice Essentials

<p>Working with loss, grief and change is an essential part of client work when supporting clients through challenging times. Grief support can be provided by most people who have had some basic loss


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Safe Home Visiting

Are you just starting your home visits or have you been home visiting for a long time and want to review/refresh your practice? Either way, Safe Home Visiting will assist you to make your home visits productive and safer. Using realistic case scenarios and participant experiences we will explore and develop good practice policy, procedures and strategies that will help you when you are home visiting clients. We will focus on: Identifying safety issues, determining when it is safe... [More]
$360 Limited GST free
Safe Home Visiting

<p>Are you just starting your home visits or have you been home visiting for a long time and want to review/refresh your practice? Either way, Safe Home Visiting will assist you to make your home


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The 5 Conversations That Drive Performance

The 5 Conversations That Drive Performance Have you ever wondered how to engage, motivate, develop and support your staff for outstanding performance results whilst still creating accountability and building relationships? The 5 Conversations that Drive Performance is based on Gallup’s High-Performance Team Leader program and delivered by a Gallup Accredited Strength Coach.  It will provide you with a framework and understanding to have the conversations that matter for building... [More]
$380 Limited GST free
The 5 Conversations That Drive Performance

<p>The 5 Conversations That Drive Performance</p>

<p>Have you ever wondered how to engage, motivate, develop and support your staff for outstanding performance results whilst still creating


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Building Resilience, Wellbeing & Vicarious Trauma for Staff

The impact of working in an environment that deals with trauma and relies on empathic engagement is developing, and our understanding it has on the individual and their organisation is limited. This course will offer frontline workers, management and organisation a framework for addressing this issue and enhance workplace wellbeing. This workshop: a. Looks at vicarious trauma, its signs and symptoms, and reviews what research is saying to address its effects. b. Will offer a... [More]
$380 Limited GST free
Building Resilience, Wellbeing & Vicarious Trauma for Staff

<p>The impact of working in an environment that deals with trauma and relies on empathic engagement is developing, and our understanding it has on the individual and their organisation is limited.


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Responding Effectively to People who have Experienced Sexual Violence

Disclosures of sexual violence strike fear into the heart of many clinicians and the most frequent response is to refer to sexual assault experts. Latest estimates however, suggest that one in five Australian women and one in 22 Australian men experience sexual violence after the age of 15 years (Cox, 2016). Such prevalence rates mean that specialist sexual assault services are unable to respond to total demand of people affected by sexual violence. A safe relational space is... [More]
$360 Limited GST free
Responding Effectively to People who have Experienced Sexual Violence

<p>Disclosures of sexual violence strike fear into the heart of many clinicians and the most frequent response is to refer to sexual assault experts. Latest estimates however, suggest that one in five


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Domestic and Family Violence: Understanding the Impact on Children

For many years children were viewed as silent witnesses to the trauma which was going on within their homes. Some even considered that children could live in these homes and not be impacted. Research indicates an alarming prevalence of domestic violence in our society and a potentially harmful impact on children. For these reasons it is important for those workers who encounter children in their work roles to have some insight into domestic violence and its impact on children. The... [More]
$360 Limited GST free
Domestic and Family Violence: Understanding the Impact on Children

<p>For many years children were viewed as silent witnesses to the trauma which was going on within their homes. Some even considered that children could live in these homes and not be impacted.


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Trauma and Addictions

This course aims to explore the nature of the relationship between trauma (especially childhood trauma) and addiction. The hypothesis that addictions are a functional escape from pain (Durand, 1986) will be explored. People in active addiction will often continue to move from crisis to crisis. And paradoxically the tendency towards further addictive behaviour as a response to crisis will be explored. The counsellor is well placed to reflect the contextual stressors that client’s... [More]
$360 Limited GST free
Trauma and Addictions

<p>This course aims to explore the nature of the relationship between trauma (especially childhood trauma) and addiction. The hypothesis that addictions are a functional escape from pain (Durand, 1986


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Engaging and Supporting Young People

The workshop is for anyone who finds themselves in a youth centre, class room, rehab centre, youth refuge, school or just sitting in a car driving somewhere with a young person (because that’s part of your job too). Working with young people means catching their attention, firing their imaginations, doing ‘something’ so they will connect with what is happening and how it is happening. And sometimes the young person seems angry, apathetic, bored or grumpy. So what we do must be... [More]
$680 Limited GST free
Engaging and Supporting Young People

<p>The workshop is for anyone who finds themselves in a youth centre, class room, rehab centre, youth refuge, school or just sitting in a car driving somewhere with a young person (because that’s part


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Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a core skill for leaders in the workplace in managing staff, change and conflict. Our ability to effectively lead depends on our ability to recognise and manage our own emotions/triggers and in managing the full range of emotional responses from staff in the workplace. In this workshop you will explore your own EI and develop strategies to; create an emotionally intelligent workplace, capitalise on your strengths and minimise your challenges, to... [More]
$360 Limited GST free
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership

<p>Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a core skill for leaders in the workplace in managing staff, change and conflict. </p><p>Our ability to effectively lead depends on our ability to recognise and


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Accidental Counsellor: 2 Day CCWT Workshop

Workers who are not employed as counsellors often find themselves placed in an impromptu counselling role as a result of issues or requests for help that arise from contact with clients in their workplace setting. They feel they can’t refuse to help, but how do they respond? Without the clarity and assurance that comes from professional support, resources, training and experience, or even a clear mandate to ‘do counselling’, the accidental counsellor is confronted with a range of... [More]
$680 Limited GST free
Accidental Counsellor: 2 Day CCWT Workshop

<p>Workers who are not employed as counsellors often find themselves placed in an impromptu counselling role as a result of issues or requests for help that arise from contact with clients in their


If there isn't a class to suit you, please the waiting list.

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